Paola de Grenet
Nani Marquina, carpet designer (Fuera de Serie, Expansion/El Mundo)
Nani Marquina, carpet designer (Fuera de Serie, Expansion/El Mundo)
How tourism is killing Barcelona (The Guardian online)
How tourism is killing Barcelona (The Guardian online)
Maurice Conti,designer, futurist and innovator(Fortune &Money magazine)
Maurice Conti,designer, futurist and innovator(Fortune &Money magazine)
Jessica Andrews (The Observer Magazine)
Jessica Andrews (The Observer Magazine)
Gabi Martinez writer and Domingo Escudero neurologist Books Magazine/France)
Gabi Martinez writer and Domingo Escudero neurologist Books Magazine/France)
Enric Batlle i Joan Roig, arquitects (Fuera de Serie/El Mundo)
Enric Batlle i Joan Roig, arquitects (Fuera de Serie/El Mundo)
Thomas Miralles, FB leader of the Yellow vests movement (The New York Times)
Thomas Miralles, FB leader of the Yellow vests movement (The New York Times)
Max Lee, Junior Report Magazine (advert for La Vanguardia)
Max Lee, Junior Report Magazine (advert for La Vanguardia)
Sigrid Kraus, owner of publishing house Salamandra (Fuera de Serie/El Mundo)
Sigrid Kraus, owner of publishing house Salamandra (Fuera de Serie/El Mundo)
“Presents as normal” Anxy Magazine
“Presents as normal” Anxy Magazine
Maria José Lopez,”car perfumist” (El Pais Semanal)
Maria José Lopez,”car perfumist” (El Pais Semanal)
Val d’ Aran, reportage (Fuera de Serie, Expansion/El Mundo)
Val d’ Aran, reportage (Fuera de Serie, Expansion/El Mundo)
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